Poetry competition CLOSED 17th April 2015 3:45pm
View Profile Poems by Poetryman
RUNNERS-UP: dustyjjewels and SabrinaK

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Ghost Story

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Succubus, Suck If You Must

my dorm room door creaked open
pussy smelling strong, titties hard and long
the stench of a women in heat, rubbing her meat
she wanted me, hunted me in my sleep
I was still dreaming, but she rode me like a rodeo
my dick hard from the over flow of rapid eye movement
my thick dick covered in her pussy cream
the sirens in my mind went off I'm being fucked, and hard
wake up before you cum and she be impregnated with gods
I don't make human babies, I make gods, like Thor
she wanted so much more, than just sperm, she lust for blood
but I'm too quick for this trick, woke up in the nick
of time and she shadow swift rushed out, pussy dripping juices
footsteps down the hall, this is not what I expected
but being pure of heart attracts the wicked in pussy lust
I don't trust a smile from a broad, no matter how innocent
she want my gods and she'll sex me in my sleep against
my consent
this shit is stiff serious like my hammer of thunder
don't question the evil in the world, just stay in wonder

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16209

Thank you Bo, for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16209

Ghost Story

She was dead you know, but she didn't know it. She thought they were trespassers and she was still the owner of the house. She kept on wondering where dad and mom were. They never seemed to be around anymore. All she could hear was the echo of them fighting behind the closed door of their bedroom. She also had this recurring thoughts about fire and an explosion, but she shook the thoughts out of her head and she was free again.
She tried to punch the girl, today. But the girl just walked past her. The girl was just her age but what impudence! To sleep in her room and stoically ignoring her....

Hoping for more entry....

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91


It started on the day the sky turned green
and spun clockwise on purple winds.
Maybe you should have known then
maybe forewarnings don’t always scar the earth.
They say, this is Oregon,
like that’s enough to dismiss all of the signs.
Mother says, at least he’s faithful
Like that’s enough to dismiss his hatred of you.

Choreography is your name in burnt letters
in holocaust requiems
dedicated only to those fortunate enough
to know oxygen and not flooded homes
pistoling out drowned espionage like hail around your shoulders.

Two years from then comminuted fracture is law.
Your father’s mistress has cemetery hanging from her smile,
your friend has cemetery hanging from her smile.
Sometimes doors aren’t built with the right hinges
too few vertebrae to bend enough of the world’s circumference
because you learned spine runs through atlas and axis
but that’s no consolation when taphonomy is applied to you.
Your north smells of formaldehyde
of half closed caskets on broken patios.

This is my friend, says your father
8 am in pajama bottoms,
Seven years later and the sky is blue accusation.
I will always love you, he says
This is Oregon, they said.
Tornado touched down
And dogwood flowers fell at your feet.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16209

Thank you Lee for your participation.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

So uncle Teddy passed away
"Zion train" by Marley was uncle Teddy's favorite song
Whenever that song played while he was alive
He'll dance and sing along

He had always referred to Bob Marley as a prophet
Dancing and singing with a burning joint
Puffing out smoke he'll turn to me and say
"Boy,Marley is always on point"

But then Uncle Teddy died in an auto crash
He was driving back on his way home
I couldn't stop crying for almost a month
It was the first time they were burying one of my own

One day I thought of him so much
Then I remembered his favorite song
As soon as Bob Marley started to sing
I heard footsteps dancing along

But I was alone on that very day
Confused I looked around to see
Maybe my ears weren't hearing well
Or there was someone else with me

A chill wave rushed down my spine
When I confirmed I was all by myself
What freaked me out completely
Was when I recalled uncle Teddy's dance steps

From the sound I could tell
In fact,I could almost visualize him smiling
As the song played on
I heard the steps increasing

Confused I didn't know what to do
Either to flee or wait till I've heard enough
To convince me that his ghost was around
But I tripped and turned the music off

I heard a frustrated sigh and angered steps
Walking away from where I was
I had offended my uncle's ghost
Definitely I thought I was cursed

So I told his friend what I'd witnessed
Again we started crying together
He told me to play the song when I got home
This time I played it louder

I felt a presence and a chill cool breeze
Fear gripped me for a while
But again I was relieved
When I remembered uncle Teddy's smile

That was the last time i heard the dance steps
I never heard it again
But even today I feel my uncle's presence
Whenever that song played

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16209

Thank you for participating Dustyjjewels.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16209

Thank you everyone for participating. Awesome stories! Honoured that you entered them in my competition. Thank you for the  interesting  stories, Poetryman, Dustyjjewels and Sabrina.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1531

Thank you Grace! And congrats to Dustyjjewels and Sabrinak for you excellent contributions! Thanks to everyone for a very interesting comp...

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