Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd December 2014 8:42pm

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Observational Expressions

Colten Sorrells
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 13th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 375

Trippy stuff… ^^

Oh yeah, and BUMP!

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Words & Other Things I Love

Ever since I was a small child, it had been my dream to read.
And when I learned to write, I made each letter perfect.


I loved the sound of certain words.
As much as I loved the sound of tap shoes on a tiled floor.
Or a horse's hooves on a cobbled stone road.
The opening chords to my favorite songs.

The smell of rain on an autumn day.
The way the first lick of an ice cream cone tastes.

My journal is filled with poetry.
Thoughts, emotions, lists,
letters, unfinished chapters & journal entries.
I like snowglobes and old cameras.
And the colors of autumn, burning bright and rustic.

I love going out shopping for Christmas presents and groceries the same.
I love falling in love with a book for it's cover or it's name.
I love listening to music.
Taking tips from the various writing styles.
I love dreaming with my eyes open.

And reading about my favorite poets and singers.

I love drinking in their lives and words.

My favorite word is "ambrosia"
And I love the way it tastes on my lips.
It makes me thinks of cherry blossom trees.
And I love the pink color of those petals.
Light and pale as a girl's blushing cheeks.

I love the smell of coffee.
And different kinds of coffee mugs.
Even though the thought of drinking coffee kind of makes me feel old.
I love staring at pasteries through the glass of bakery shops.
My mouth watering at all the sugary snacks.
My sweet tooth wanting my to try every one.

I love words, describing feelings perfectly.
Down to the finest detail of the moment.
It's why being a writer was the perfect choice of a career.
No one to tell me what to do.
Everything is up for me to choose.
I love writing poetry.
The stories I can tell.
I love describing things that I love.
I love being in love.

I am a romantic.
In love with life, itself.
Seashells, dreams, stars, madness.
The sea, the shore, the city, magic.
I love dreaming, in the day or by night.
I love falling in love with something new, every time.
When I open my eyes, when I hear a new song.
When I hear a new word, when I read a new book.

I love finding new ways for me to explain how I feel.
To describe my emotions, feelings, my day and my life.
I wish I could experience life the way they do in the movies.
I wish that I was so different, so damaged and broken.

But I don't like to think of those things.
The bad things, the heartache, the depression, the bad dreams.
Instead I like thinking of the things I can do.
Like fall in love with songs, music, words and life.

Like sitting with a notebook and pen makes me feel so urban and new.
Like walking in a peacoat and my black boots makes me feel so mature.
An adult awoke in my life, anew.

Ever since I was a small child, it had been my dream to read.
And when I learned to write, I made each letter perfect.

And with each stroke of my pencil turned pen.
A new person was born, someone whom loved contriving stories with those words.

Words became poems.
Poems became prose.
Prose became stories.

And the stories, they made me into me.

It started when I was young, five years old learning to read.
And they made me the person I am today, a writer and a poet.

Words, my love of words, it did this to me.
It nurtured me, changed me and made me grow.

And with my words, came my descriptions of various things.
And my romantic nature bloomed and my spirit was set free.

And now here I am.

c o m p l e t e

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 420

Autumn Requiem

night is long
I try to fill it with words
some terrible passing of shadows
across collarbones

I have heard of genes
strange chemicals
but they fall short of knowledge
in this eerie light

I know the taste of resistance
it is metallic and quiet
so difficult to empty the ash tray
beautifully ugly in a way
one wishes not to interrupt

I try to remember the last time
the world was contained inside of me
it seems dim as if it was years ago
it has the starkness of a lie

what makes the quiet
so remarkably strange
is that is does not end
it is interrupted briefly
like a symphony
there are coughs
screeches of cars nearby

but if let to its own devices
the quiet would persist

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

trouble when it moves

my chapped lips crackle.
i trace my fingers over them  
but can't cut myself on the barbed wire.  
singed tips provide armor  
and makes me unidentifiable.  
it's best this way for all
especially you.  
so i keep my tongue in solitary confinement.  
i've tried to use it to speak my mind  
though it's not really my own.
my body, merely a tenant who can't afford to leave
so i stay and fuck the slumlord for rent.  
tried to pack and leave  
once or twice.  
you said you'd come along too.  
desperation bleeding you through your eyes.  
i feel my lips moving.  
bartering with your heart for what you need.
we reach the inevitable fork in the road,
my tongue.  
you choose what's right which leaves me left.  

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

dust storm  in the canyons
inverted dungeons  
flirt with clouds  
whose sole purpose by all accounts
was to serve as catapults  
for dusted angels.  
when i wasn't dodging falling angels,
i was stepping over those who had crashed.  
hop scotching over pools of ammonia and plasma  
in search of a safe den.
i flick my tail and shake my coat  
in the wake of the stench.  
scarecrows marking asphalt rows bend and sway
in curious contortions in anticipation  
of euphoric relief.  
in their drunken nods they spy
my virgin veins with envy.  
not yet having spilled blood in these canyons
i loop aimlessly as a scavenger.
camouflaged temptations beckon  
and scar beyond my coated flesh.  
swarms pollinate fields a sunset away
but flies feast on the remains of angels  
and scarecrows
in this valley.
the effective butterfly.
i see the sand blowing  
eyes are blinded
and turned.
stick out your tongue  
is the hollow echo i hear
in this soporific tempest.  
do i dare  

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

- Passion’s Promise -

Part One: Dark Sentiment

If you would learn one thing from me it is thus:
Sometimes light can be terrible and most harsh.
But in the darkness, you can find truth to trust…
And therein lies the light of a welcoming force.
Cloak yourself in the shadows, and be soothed!
You are safe therein, where no deceit is found…
Let your heart be at ease and my words proved,
In the peace where all will and passion abound!
The dark is your shelter, your realm of refuge…
And I am its’ master, its’ mistress, it, embodied.
Seek the dark and you seek me, not in servitude,
But because you are so ready to at last be freed!
What is the nature of will, to our eternal souls?
Will contains the power, to work one’s desires,
To do good, or evil, as one guides, or controls…
As one’s will blazes hotter than all Hell’s fires!
Will is a sword to some, yet it is also a flower…
It is as graceful as a spire, or mighty as a tower.
Let that tower be your fastness, our monument!
It has already been raised, by a dark sentiment.

Part Two: Passion’s Creed

None who live are without passion’s promise…
Save those who through stagnation are deluded.
It is a nobler thing, to strive after love and bliss,
Than to become, by a stagnant spirit, so eroded!

When dark conflict is upon the face of creation,
The dream of peace becomes a lie of false hope!
Only passion can lift up the heart in celebration,
Leading to a truer peace, beyond dreams’ scope.
When passion leads to peace, we gain strength…
Undreamed of by those who have become weak,
Diminished by conflict, beyond a suitable length.
The strength of the passionate is a power to seek!

When the power of passion is freed, it burns fair,
Searing with the light of a glory unknown before.
It shines in our eyes, in our skin, and in our hair…
The glow of victorious spirit, sublime evermore!
When passion is granted the victory, it is sweet…
For those once blind and chained know freedom.
Their chains are broken, the risen dawn to greet,
Eyes opened by a glory never glimpsed by some.

The restrictions binding us, we make ourselves…
And only we can look beyond that web of deceit.
With a passionate spirit that so seeks and delves,
The web is dissolved, and we become complete!

Part Three: Truths of Desire

These are the secret truths of desire, of the heart.
We conceal them within ourselves, at our peril…
For whilst they wait to be awakened, by pure art,
We are slaves to illusion, our true natures stilled.
Give in to the darkness, not for evil but for good!
Wisdom teaches the difference, you might learn:
There is light within it, which is misunderstood…
Within that velvet embrace for which you yearn!
Oh seeker, I name you my kindred if you know…
The meaning of all I speak herein, and the glory.
When the light is cruel, it fills us with such woe!
Yet the dark is waiting, to divest you of worry…
Like the patient lover, with arms open accepting.
She is our mother, and we are ever, her children!
The universe itself, with all its’ beauties shining,
Is far less eternal than she, whence all life stems.
To understand love, is to know passion’s form…
Yet to fathom it entire, you must face the storm!
Dare I speak for the darkness; am I that worthy?
Her passion makes me so; I embrace it willingly.

Not all can know the beauty,
           Of the stars that glisten…
Not all who are blind may see,
           Nor can the deaf listen…
Unless they choose to be free!

poet Anonymous

For many years I dwelled in the corpseless sea
Out of the scum of the crashing waves
From the web spun of moonlight
From the charcoal black skies
After roaring thunder
Blown by wind
Lulling leaves
From sleeping
Transformed from snakeskin
Peeled off by the silver sun light
That dances on the water, shed from
Rain fallen from rainbow colored evenings
My journey escapes me, as I burn the last candle
From its reflecting flame, comes a shapened shade
Lizard Queen, brought forth from the breathing dust of dreams

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2077


welcome back to memories
left behind
when the children ran away
from the universe

a man left alone
is left tarnished
crooked like an old silver spoon
buried and forgotten
amongst the clutter
in jamming drawers
rattling inside cabinets
lost within dust
and decay of an empty house
of a man
into sepia smiles

in the shade of a mulberry tree
on a summers day
a warm breeze
stirs the scent of pine

from the rush of air
stirs the warmth of love
love rekindles happiness
with cracks of laughter
from children of the past
and children of the present
finding themselves
within years
lost in the oblivion of life
now together again
they feast on the day

the universe emerges
from a space
between walls
where a house
is again
their home

Written by Alexander Case

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Officers Ramos & Liu Tribute

“I’m putting wings on pigs”
“I’m putting pigs in a blanket”
I’m answering injustice with violence
Because I’m nothing but an idiot
And when I'm gone the Angel's
Will say, "GOOD-RIDANCE"!  

‘Hate’ is a sempiternal hideous beast
Rubricating the world with endless grief

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 420

In the Mental Hospital

The woman hides behind the jet-black
yet luminous, silky curtain
of her hair.
The room is silent.
She is like a swimmer stepped
from a pool of dark water
and dripping with grief.
I can only imagine how
the three of them held her down,
buried themselves inside her;
how they craved a taste
of that beauty, to slip
into the skin of something right.
I ache to comfort her, to tell her
something hollow and trite,
that something good must come
from every action. That must be
the source of the seed
that blossomed inside her
and gave birth to the son
whom she adores. Instead, later,
we will talk of weight loss surgery
and angioplasty while I stare
at the pear-soft skin of her hands,
the way they seem so supplicant,
folded in prayer
upon a plastic work bench.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

My Dick Is The Answer

it's hard it's stiff
100 pumps and you better get off of it
or you'll end up barefoot and pregnant

it's no joke and no genie
rub it the right way
and something sweet will pop out
rub it the wrong way
and I'll slap you across the face with it

it could be a treat
or it could be a trick
now tell me how much you love
my dick

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

Saw the guy from next door
staring out of his front window
can of snow in hand
tree with flashing lights behind him
he didn't see me
not sure he saw anything

poet Anonymous

Too many abandoned comps here lately.

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