Poetry competition CLOSED 10th November 2014 9:38am
RUNNERS-UP: anonymouslyhere and Simplepasserby

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Being Human (what are you made of?).

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 30th May 2014
Forum Posts: 34

If Only I Spoke Up

If I spoke, I'd regret it
But if I didn't, I'd regret it much more
Not speaking up, is something no one should ignore
Their words pile up
Onto your heart
And if you don't speak up,
It will tear you apart
Their words of hatred, will linger in your mind
As if someone is repeating the words, from behind
When you go home,
Yet again you don't say a word
Because you keep thinking about what you heard
Is it true, do I not belong?
I'm so stupid, and I'm not so strong
You ask yourself questions that make you feel worse
You feel different about yourself as you feel more remorse
Speak up, and let your voice be heard
Spill your emotions through your word
Let them listen, but more importantly,
Let them hear
For its when you speak up,
The world will become more sincere

poet Anonymous


The echo hides in the stones and the caves
Of forgotten knowledge,through lifelines and quicksands
The pillars of salt and sand

Of water,of unknown formation
The murmur of the mermaids
Fountain of arcane delight

The healing winds blow through trees
Holding their breath in silvan silence
Preaching pines,speaking spirits

An ancient sigh,opus of the owl
Beyond the surface of soil
The threads of the life web, are woven
In the footprints of the fox

I walk through the late light
Soaking up the last air
Receiving earths insight

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 200

Being Human...

I am
Flesh & Bone
Sinew & Cell
Molecular in structure
Swathed in spirit
Ignited by a soul

Made animated...by
A breathe of Life
That I still don't understand

I am thoughts & emotions
Memories & Nightmares
Dreams & Hopes
Rolled up in this confusion
We call

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 9th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 47

"Hoson zēs, phainou
Mēden holōs sy lypou;
Pros oligon esti to zēn
To telos ho chronos apaitei."

Sometimes, only sometimes,
I think there’s more to life
than flesh and blood and DNA  
This usually happens when I’m drunk
And look up
towards the dazzling milky way

Gaelic laments from 600 years ago
(he’s stretched on her grave from  dusk until dawn)
Viking graffiti from a thousand years ago
(Thorni fucked Helgi)

The echoes of an ancient Greek melody
lamenting a dead wife twenty two hundred years ago

Cave paintings and poets on DUP

These emotions, this desire to express ourselves
And our individuality
Gets drowned out by

Auschwitz, Dachau, the fires of Chelmo
Beheadings and bombings
Serial killers as entertainment
Rape as erotic(Christian and Newsom)
Wars and info wars(fuck you all)
Wall streeters making a fortune
investing in companies that manufacture hazmat suits
(a smart investment no doubt)
As ebola spreads in western Africa
And billions of zombies
Are going blind
Looking at a glowing screen

Sometimes, only sometimes,
I think there’s more to life

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 2awards
Joined 16th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 67

im fragile, made of glass
so dont touch me or ill break.
lifes to hard and fast,
its put me in this state.

im sharp made of steel,
so dont touch me youll get cut.
from deceit and lies i feel
i need a sharper tongue.

im soft, made of clouds
you can touch me youll be fine.
if ever im aloud,
ill help you anytime.

im fragile made of glass.
thinly spun and delicate.
but in your arms at last,
i dont think i will break.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

-{ Maiden Man }-
A Meditation on My Soul
I have often heard it said, that one can help their nature,
Yet mine is not the hard ways of men, but far, far softer.
I was born in my heart like a maid, romantic, and loving…
Yet, this world often lacks the fairer gift of understanding.
They say men should be rough and rowdy, but I am not!
I have a gentler nature and I am given to: much thought…
Now my face and form are smooth, and I dress feminine.
Does that make me so wicked, for being who I truly am?
Human terms mean naught to one who is beyond them…
Whilst mortal eyes see but little: when they might so look.
Yet I have dreamed of things no mind can comprehend!
I have seen scriptures not written of in any sacred book.
Have you ever yearned with all your heart for any dream,
As, I have yearned to embrace a love with no limitations?
What beauty there is in fantasy: as bubbles in a stream…
The refinement of pleasure amidst joyous celebrations!
I have changed myself, to match my soul, for that is me…
And I shall carry myself, with a more enlightened dignity.
We are born to our nature, whatever that inclines us to!
God does not err, for was it not both as divine and true…
For me to be what I am inside and so display it, without?
And if I call Her my Goddess I will do so with no doubt.
I am what I was made to be, and I will love accordingly,
Mayhap a maid who will love me more, for my honesty!
Stretch forth your heart, as I bid, to embrace my spirit…
And I will be your illumination as you evolve beyond this,
The realm that would entrap and ensnare us as it sees fit!
Take my hand, and be the one to know my wanton kiss.
I am freedom, I am passion and I cannot be aught else…
Will she come to me, my dream lover, and become real?
I pray, that she will come to see the grace in how I felt…
When first I dreamed of a love that could, my soul, steal.
I can be her lover, her sister, her friend, and her beacon.
There is potential within me that I must not let weaken…
For I am a lady as much as a lord, for I am whole inside.
I have embraced a greater balance, and in it I will abide!
Let no man judge me for choosing the path I must walk,
It was preordained how I would look and think and talk.
I cannot change and go back to being what is not myself,
For I am true to my nature and in that is priceless wealth.
On the morrow I shall hope to glimpse the dawning sun…
Like a child I shall behold it, and see the newness of day.
I was as giddy for the moon, when this night had begun…
For I must indulge both joys, since that was ever my way.
Shall I love the lad within you lass, with such lusty fervor?
What a complex thing the soul can be, and yet so simple!
I would have you see me as I truly am and thusly confer…
More joys upon you than one gender could ever be able.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

-]} Enchantment’s Bright Star [{-

I wandered today in the gardens behind my home,
Amidst orange tiger lilies, and purple blossoms…
I felt the wind caress my skin, as I did there roam.
And I thought of its’ power, simple yet awesome!
Why do men deny enchantment when it is so fair?
There is so much beauty in this world, to embrace.
Can I describe for you delights beyond compare…
Such as the softness of silk, the touch of fine lace?
I do not see as male or female, as mortal or divine.
My eyes need no label, to define the things beheld,
As I anoint my lips, so that they are as red as wine.
I seek after the sensual, and for pleasures well felt,
For God is in the moment, and I seek illumination!
I find it in places and feelings where few will seek.
There is much enlightenment, in every sensation…
And in my quest for its’ wisdom I cannot be meek.
Oh to kiss an angel, to know her undying passions,
As easily as I have known pains I cannot speak of!
So I lose myself in enchantment’s myriad fashions,
I walk amongst those flowers dreaming about love.

Enchantment’s bright star, shines in deep evening…
Brighter than its’ peers, and more sparkling in hue!
I walk beneath the light that shines down gleaming,
And my heart holds childlike wonders to come true.
I dance in the garden, my heartbeat racing so mad…
For though no one sees me, I can see my own spirit.
Do angels dance with me and if so are they as glad,
As this brief instant, when I live, and do not fear it?
I know what held me back before, and I dare defy…
The oppression of this era and all of its’ idle mores.
There is a great chaos within me that I cannot deny,
And I know such art as neither slumbers nor snores.
Fireflies sparkle all about me, and I see their flight,
Weaving here and there, as these wisps dance well!
They trace arcane patterns, across the black night…
And in them I behold things of which only few tell.
I am not alone in the garden for the angels descend,
Or am I merely lost in light illusions bliss bestows?
I feel like flying on a cloud, my spirit to so ascend!
But I am bound in flesh, as any scholar well knows.

Another life, another time, I was a woman, a man…
I was a boy, a girl, perhaps both or perhaps neither.
Am I all this, and is this then also some divine plan?
I have seen the truth, and broken past every tether!
Embracing androgynous beauty I see my true form,
Dancing in a garden, as I await the coming of dawn.
I feel a cool rain, and I know it will bring the storm,
As the droplets pour down my skin, upon the lawn.
I am one with the elements, one with the universe…
Like the elfin lords of old, whose spells were magic.
I know that I can only convey so much within verse,
And I fear that my words will fail me, so very tragic.
This age has lost so much yet the treasure is there…
Within and without, a kingdom waiting to be found!
I speak so that I may by doing so, the beauty share.
The magic is in my very being, music with no sound,
And yet I think I hear it, and it is not so very distant.
We need not dwell so far apart from every wonder,
For we can find the enchantment in one fast instant!
Like the calm before the storm: and its’ first thunder.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

- Man, Maid, and Monster -

Men often look at me as I walk down the street each day,
In my feminine attire, as pretty as I can be although male…
Do they know I find it pleasurable, to be seen in that way?
I say naught and walk on, and then later I’ll deeply exhale.
The women look, though more often with some curiosity!
Some will seem attracted by me, and I find that pleasing…
But others do not seem to appreciate my stylized variety.
Are they jealous or judgmental, or are they really teasing?
I put on my makeup before going out, and I feel beautiful.
Freely, I tell people I see myself as a lady; and they smile!
My lipstick makes my small lips look more round and full,
But these lips have not been kissed in so very long a while.
I try to be a good soul, to some a mentor and a sponsor…
And to others, a guide and an inspiration for ideals bright!
Yet there are still people who shall see me like a monster.
They cannot understand that, for me what I am is so right!

I used to think they could see my dark side, another life…
But people cannot see into a soul if they lack true wisdom.
Let them call me a monster, let them seek to cause strife…
By being narrow-minded like peasants in an old kingdom!
I am different, and I am beautiful in my own way as well…
The right person will see that, and love me for it so deeply.
If for that I am damned then let me burn in the pits of Hell!
Individuality is not a sin, and only liberty can set us all free.
I was called monster before, when for liberty I stood fast,
And the tyrant of the gods demanded that I kneel so low!
For freedom, out of Heaven I was hounded and thus cast,
At last into the guise of a mortal, to know a human’s woe!
I was called monster when Atlantis sank because of pride,
For I brought it a faith they twisted until it broke them true.
I was called monster in Ys, when in the palace I did abide,
Lover to the princess, ere her land fell into the sea so blue.

Will I walk until judgment day, with people not seeing me?
Never knowing my sorrows and burdens, my longings too!
I shall say I did likewise know them not, when my destiny,
Brings me full circle, and those who mocked me their due.
For love, I would make peace with the past and move on,
Being simply, the lady I feel within, and try to be without!
But where is love, in a cold world where very little is won,
Save when we embrace freedom, casting away all doubt?
Look not too deeply, lest you see the monster you seek…
Hate me not, lest in that hatred you call my anger to bear!
Those who are intolerant, show themselves as truly weak.
But karma remembers all, and may cause you great care!
Look up at the morning star; the evening star was my seal.
It shone to match my glory, when in glory I still did dwell,
Not all who fell from that estate were monsters, truly real!
We all have a soul, and mine exists within this mortal shell.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2796

- Three Lives, One Soul -

Part I – Paradise Lost (The Past)

When the dawn of time was still fresh in the memory,
Of gods, and angels; those who were yet not fallen…
I, in exile dwelt, in a loneliness craving love’s divinity.
But in this I grew jealous, and my pride was swollen!
War in the heavens, betwixt kindred long sundered…
The deaths of worlds, and the rebuilding of old ways,
Paradise rising from perdition, as powers thundered!
All humbled in the end before the first terrestrial days.
Oh where had gone my dream of love, amidst flame?
I was blinded by arrogance, trapped in my own web,
Forced to become mortal, to know death and shame.
Cast adrift by the fates, upon tides that flow and ebb!
The fall of old civilizations, and the rise of the nations,
All spread before me, and amongst it I was a-swim…
Living and loving, only to lose the reason for elations!
How many lifetimes had I lived and would live again?

Part II – Paradise Interrupted (The Present)

Born in the flesh of man, a woman in soul and nature,
This was I, in the hour of my birth into this very age!
Judged by the faith of my family, and made insecure,
Until my heart was heavy and my mind full of rage…
Trained, drained, by those in power who controlled.
I broke away, and by an angel was shown secrets…
And, for a time, I felt my spirit reborn and consoled.
I walked in darkness, then in light, without regrets…
Leaving the past behind me, embracing the feminine.
I became as I am now, though I am so much more,
Than what others see and anything they can imagine.
Once, I was a shy boy, and then a wanton whore…
But I am so much more: a lady, angel, and goddess.
Now I seek love, and to forget the pains long past,
And so I here share my soul, and my heart, confess.
Even thus, you cannot know the torments that last!

Part III – Paradise Regained (The Future)

What can there be, for one already called damned?
Kindred of light and darkness; wanton and weary…
Yet so: unable to rest as I obey an older command.
I must dance amidst the fires, until all grows bleary!
Like Shiva, like Kali, my dance shall be beautiful…
And in passion I will be consumed, with this world.
Beyond the final days, into a paradise so bountiful,
That is where love takes a lover into arms whirled!
I know not who shall love me, only that she shall…
For the man I was, for the woman I am and will be.
Gone is the angel who rebelled and then thus fell…
I wear a new face and form, for all mankind to see.
The fires humble me, and yet cannot take my light!
I am still a goddess, and the woman I am is eternal.
Love me in the darkness; be welcome in the night!
If Heaven rejects me, I must embrace the infernal.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 29th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 3

I like this very much, it is very beautiful, lovely imagery,
opus of owls...very fine writing.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 29th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 3

Very beautiful language, lovely imagery...stunning!

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 143

"Washed away with rain"

Faceless in a world so bright,
Rain pelting down,
melting away every word spoken.
Every dream cast out,
Broken at every hinge.
This black mask concealing
every thought meant to change this world.
I'm a vagabond,
treading this earth with no direction.
Every haunting scream,
Every broken dream,
Washed away with rain.
All obstacles overcome,
I'm a stick figure,
in this world of vibrant colors
and details.
What meaning do I have?
No love,
no chance to accel,
Just a soul with no say.
No way to figure it out,
A menace to all.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 3rd Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 130


poet Anonymous

thanks Penknife
congrats darkshadow and Ace

fun comp!

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