Poetry competition CLOSED 19th October 2014 3:22pm
View Profile Poems by Magnetron
RUNNER-UP: Easydrops

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Tyrant of Words
Spain 8awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2915

Rhymes with sun
something to catch up to
as its sinking
Making its way
to chase you another day

Ticking away as time fritters away
its all relative
in an off hand way

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16218


I have been here before
where hearts beat stronger
the colours are brighter
the air is fresher

here hurts are deeper
I absorb observe better
the world feels smaller
laughters are mockingly shriller

I shouldn't run
again...yet I will
if staying feels
too frightening.

poet Anonymous

Boys of October

The Hallow Eve’s full moon hung low
the glint of steel silhouetted in it’s glow

his hand held the knife
wanting a slice of her life

maybe snip off a nipple like a red rose
then perhaps all her pretty painted toes

she bolted and ran
falling right into his plan

he whooped; she hollered
she zagged; he follered

she tripped on descending steps
he caught the rail and his breath

a deserted park what a thrill
a seldom used baseball field

she hid in a dark dugout corner
he taunted saying he had something for her

a struggle ensued
she got away, who knew

dashed towards the pitcher’s mound
tripped on the rubber, sprawled on the ground

screaming and crawling across the wet grass
he was on top of her, again the knife flashed
covered her face with her bare hands
while the blade swung, again and again

so orgasmic were her sickly groans
each time the steel glanced off bone

there was no getting away
from his frenzied foreplay

but there in her eyes flashed a glimmer of hope
it caused him to stop in mid stroke
he wiped the bloodied knife on her torn dress
asked what’s up; demanded she confess

she gurgled, she giggled through the torn smile on her face
saying it wasn’t just anyone she allowed to get to third base

his look was priceless staring deep in her eyes
she allowed the slightest reflection of his own demise

her lips curled back revealing fangs of white steel
as she reached between his legs for her next meal

with razor sharp claws she clamped and sliced
he knew the pleasure of pain, and this was so nice

she rose above him, horns on her head
he knew it was too late to run or beg

her black wings majestically unfurled
her foul breath made all straight things curl

with a swipe of her claw she sliced open his gut
with a flick of a fingernail cut off his nuts

then with a raised claw and a look of pure hate
she shot a glance towards third base then home plate

snarling, “Sport, it’s the bottom of the ninth and your call
you’ve two outs, two strikes, and…..no balls……”

poet Anonymous

Carpe_Noctem said:
Rhymes with sun
something to catch up to
as its sinking
Making its way
to chase you another day

Ticking away as time fritters away
its all relative
in an off hand way

Carpe Noctem, I bet you like "Time" on "The Dark Side of the Moon"

poet Anonymous

Thank you all for sharing. I have read each poem three times over and see worth in each.
The judging was entirely mine, and a matter of personal preference.
If you want my comments on your own entry, please post your poem in your "my poems" pages and just drop me a note requesting feedback.

Thanks again and keep writing, poets.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 433

I'll share this trophy with everyone else like it was the Stanley Cup.

tornado said:
snarling, “Sport, it’s the bottom of the ninth and your call
you’ve two outs, two strikes, and…..no balls……”

Tornado gets to keep it at his house next week.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16218

Congratulations Magnetron for winning the competition! Primogenito and Easydrops as runners up. Great entries all. Tornado...wow!

poet Anonymous

No worries, magnetron. A win is a win Well played sir! Congratulations to you and everyone who entered. HollyDove thank you for a well 'run' competition! Grace :-)

poet Anonymous


D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Congratulations Magnetron, Primogenito and Easydrops for your winning entries...great entries all around! Thank you for the challenging comp HollyDove. Well done, keep them coming...

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