Poetry competition CLOSED 25th September 2014 7:38pm
View Profile Poems by ASK


One Line Summary

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

Poetry Contest

Choose one line from past poems and make a brand new one.
So,  I have a challenge. I want you guys to write a poem using only lines from your past poems.


1. 5 to 15 lines
2. Rhyming optional
3. Not more than one line from each poem you pull from
4. Everything has to come from your own posted work except the title
5. One and only one entry per poet
6. If you have more than one account, message me from both accounts that you pull from if possible, if you've lost your password to the other one,  only pull from the one you have the password to
7. Leave a link to each poem you pull from (alternative option: if you only have 2 pages of poems here, you can simply leave the titles.)
8. No erotica, all other genres are fine.

Since this one is a tad challenging,  I'll give you guys one month. Feel free to leave a place marker (comment to say that you'll be back later), but otherwise, keep your comments on topic.

Also,  at the conclusion of this competition,  I will open a second identical competition set to endless, if this one seems popular. So you don't have to stop at one entry,  just stick to one post here for now.

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

Would anyone care to enter, or was this another bad idea for a comp?

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

It's not a bad idea for a comp. Somebody already did a similar comp before. It's just that some people wait for the last minute to submit their entries, that's all.

King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

Edge of Fear

Rogues soaring beyond the vaulth of the heavens.
(Life's not Fair nor Dark L1)

Daydreaming, I saved my self nightmares.
(The Sleeping Usher L2)

I felt like the zombies were in town
(Dark Clouds L3)

It was dusk in my head, I lost patience for dawn to be king again.
(Blank L4)

My eyes dilating in anticipation.
(Longterm Crush L5)

Lying face up, six feets below.
(Corpse L6)

All I saw was reflection of pains on my shadow.
(Love-Horror Home, No Truce L7)

words can't describe, they only speak a widows mite.
(Hiii Power cover, verse one L8)

Now, I'm closer to my fears than my blood.
(They left me L9)

why, when did a tourist turn a killer?
(Aaliyah L10)

Suicide is the only option besides the wait.
(The Patience of Love L11)

Exuding an aura of fear
(Tolkien's Nazgul. L12)

Maybe volumes are insane but my blood is venom
(Insane L13)

The trauma and facial expression of driving poop inside
(The white seat L14),

Despair was my home
(My 7venth Love 15)

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

EngrVV, could you per chance send me a link either via pm or on this as a comment?

Twisted Dreamer
Denmark 1awards
Joined 8th July 2014
Forum Posts: 7

Real Recognize Real

Realize, life comes with a price

trials and tribulations, time to rise  

this for those who can see thru the sea of lies  

although I write and dramatize  
(Out of nowhere)

confused, cuz chaos consumes logic (Corrupt Coup)

might forgive but never forget
(Last chance)

give and take, the fools' acts take effect (The world)

don't paint with pencil but pen
(My people)

society break and make men
(God Bless the child)

smelled your treason when you kissed my chin

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Angel_Of_Darkness said:EngrVV, could you per chance send me a link either via pm or on this as a comment?

I'm sorry I could not find the link anymore...if I remember right I believe it was Jaspersilence who hosted the comp about a year ago.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 9

They paint the establishment green so they can educate the children of that color
We were all once warned of what may lay under
Super natural starlight

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

EngrVV said:[quote-276017-Angel_Of_Darkness]EngrVV, could you per chance send me a link either via pm or on this as a comment?

I'm sorry I could not find the link anymore...if I remember right I believe it was Jaspersilence who hosted the comp about a year ago.

Thanks for trying.

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