Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2014 4:35am
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNER-UP: jemac

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

I wish that you had come to this idyllic spot.
We could have had such fun; I could have hired a yacht,
Just the two of us  aboard sailing from the shore
Fucked you naked on the deck until you asked for more

As it is I have to make do with the local talent
To ease the boredom; I feel I've been quite gallant.
As the evening ended they dragged me to their beds
Forcing me to enter in between their naked legs

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2079

My Love...

My heart has opened
As the rainforest does to greet the ocean.
Can you see it in this postcard?
Like you, Cape Trib
Is beautiful in its wilderness
And calming as the azure water
That laps its shores.
My tears have dropped like diamonds
Into sparkling streams
To meander down to glistening sands
And an ocean of tumultuous dreams.
The sun’s rays lit these gems
And presented me with a crown of light
So I can make a masterpiece
To depict our life.
Petals float from trees above
Blanketing my body as confetti does
On a day of wedded bliss.
Your presence I miss.
Let the wind carry me home
To our heaven on earth
So I can show my love for you
Is still intense and true

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Dear Doctor Dolittle :

I have been having some strange experiences since boarding what I thought was the Ark of Salvation.  It’s a zoo here. There’s a creature that looks like a green caterpillar but he’s the size of a man. He talks much but does little.  Perhaps he is a friend of yours? I don’t understand much of his words but he’s always talking about haters and envious social butterflies.

I asked him “What poison leaves have you been chewing?” He told me my breath smells like Mothra balls and offered me some Juicy Fruit gum. Then he started clapping his many, many hands while chanting “M and M!” repeatedly.  The satyrs started biting each other madly and the PushmePullyou Siamese LLama  tried to intervene but was torn in half.  There’s blood everywhere.

An old man pushed me out of the skylight window in the rafters, saying, “Bring us back some sign of a Promised Land”.  After hours of flying circles around a giant cesspool of dead people, I found only a broken holly thorn branch in the side of a muddy mountain.

When I landed back on this Banana Barge, I tried to enter the hole in the roof and banged my head; Apparently someone had painted the glass window black and closed it. I don’t know why.  So I am scratching this letter to you with a thorny twig on a wood postcard atop the boat. SOS!!! (Unless you are swimming forever in the dead pool.)

Love ---
Holly Dove

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

CONGRATS KateA I enjoyed you piece very much !!
Congrats to Premogenito!

and Thank You Crazy_Admirer for the recognition!!

this was a nice Comp! :)

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