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Three word inspiration.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 17th June 2014
Forum Posts: 2

Very nice

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

maniacal, homily, pontificate,

always acting maniacal
like its the end of the world
hung on there homily
catchy tunes
empathy inspiration
better left alone
when he pontificate they will listen
and when he runs
they will follow
even into
the dark

iniquity, flourish, inspiration,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16214

Iniquity, flourish, inspiration

On his knees jumbled words
of fear and supplications
to his God to forgive
his iniquity, he cried

He saw the flutters of wings
flourish behind the sacristy
he cried harder
he didn't want to go to hell

This whiner is an inspiration
for would be brats
who want to achieve obnoxious
In their daily lives.

Gramophone, lingering, pumpernickel

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 25th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 48

Gramophone, lingering, pumpernickel

As he sits in the corner
inside the rugged old bar
why'll the gramophone humming in the background
he felt a presence lingering amongst him
he darted around and there, right there
she was just glancing his way
the chills down his back
just from her stare, was electrifying
I can smell her from here
like sweet vanilla and pumpernickel
from all things
it lured him in, like a bass on a pole
oh though eyes captured his soul

Axerophthol, Bafflingness, Kore

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14457

when their fires burn, it's then, when they yearn for things unthinkable:

slay the bunny, slit its throat and fist its neck
then gloat when you feel its heart stop and yank it out
then spread it like honey on a fresh baked pumpernickel

there's an odious residue lingering from the last time
and they can tell you exactly who was swooning from the gramophone
and who grew the golden grapes

oops my bad

Axerophthol, Bafflingness, Kore

poet Anonymous

Lost in Translation
(Axerophthol, Bafflingness, Kore)

Visually diluted
Bafflingness overwhelms
Axerophthol deficient
My inspiration adrift

Blanketed by the twilight
Enlightenment entangled
Euphoria is denied
From statuesque deitic Kore

Viscosity Convoluted existential

poet Anonymous

(Viscosity, Convoluted, Existential)

Grieved by the impasse in three
Existential sanity
Convoluted thoughts from me
Envisage viscosity

Our cognitive thoughts to see
Inspiration amity
We share in this potpourri
Of linguistic alchemy

Confusion Creative Containment

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

Creative containment how quaint!. Was there a confusion in the order form?
Hmm? I doubt it, seeing how I am the one who made the final order decision.
Maybe you should check charlie boy over there, he's been seen half in the bag on several occurrences! fire that bum already!

booger, toenail, salty

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078

Kids like dogs
eating everything
from a booger
to a toenail.
Perhaps this taste
for the unusual
turns a boy
into a salty dog.

Harlot,  Limp,  Parachute

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16214

Harlot,  Limp,  Parachute

The house of pleasures
lighted with neons
promising wanton delight
the lure of the harlot

men seeking delight
of the flesh
even those limp
with their venereal disease

in greedy lustful thoughts
like a parachute falling
and disappearing into the abyss
they throw caution to the wind

Lantern, sire, phantasm

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

she used her lantern
to escape
she ran in the night
from her sire
horrified by his
in fear
though stones
running through woods
to escape

of a soul
captured inside
she runs...

blood-soaked, embrace, decay,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16214

blood-soaked, embrace, decay,

Stripping off her blood-soaked blouse
she went under the shower
to sluice it all down
she hated the smell

she used to enjoy
and embrace the art
of hunting, but no more
the odour was overpowering

the dead animal
reminded her of decay
putrid wastes unwanted
like road kill.

cyclone, gnashing, desperation

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

raging like a cyclone
so much angst towards the world
just the thought
of the people
sets him off
gnashing his teeth

wronged so many times
he try's to stay calm
and nice
but he turns into
a raging mad man
setting fires
and starting riots
out of pure desperation.

anguish, slut, uncomfortable,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16214

anguish, slut, uncomfortable,

she spent hours in anguish
over leaving her job or not
she simply love babysitting
until her lady boss
called her a slut

That made her uncomfortable
she didn't like confrontation
so she just left after getting
her pay, tomorrow she would rest
and start looking for a job again

Bannister, bassinet, basset

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 533

Bannister, bassinet, basset.

Sleeping soundly in her bassinet,
She seems like the image of innocence.
How could such a sweet little baby do wrong?

As the years go by,
She grows into an angel of a child,
Who can always be found with her baby basset hound, Chewy.

Time flies, and she's in her senior year of high school,
Daddy's spoiled little girl in a pink convertible,
Secretly dating the dark haired, bad boy.

Three days after graduation, she is on the stair case,
Holding the bannister for her dear life,
And staring at the positive pregnancy test.

Once an innocent little angel,
Now known as another stupid slut,
Another teen pregnancy.

So she cries to her father,
Begs him to help,
And he abandons her.

She runs to the bad boy toy,
Hoping he'll do what's right,
And he's boinking a new, dumb bimbo.

How could her life fall so far,
She had everything,
Money, love, and happiness.

Nine long months later,
She left her baby at a sitters,
And is out for the night.

She isn't partying though,
Instead she's out on a rooftop,
Ten stories high.

Just a few minutes later,
She was found ten stories down,
Laying dead on the cold, hard ground.

Sweet, depression, escape.

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