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Challenge : what can you do with 20 words?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

she said it smelled like death
and he leaned in
to kiss her pale cheek
while the poison flowed

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

he's silent as the grave,
but i hear the unsaid
in the tension
as though
he's spoken it too loudly

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

shadows of memories
hung like wraiths
to obscure the path,
she couldn't see a way
through the darkness
and swung

Lost Thinker
Joined 17th May 2015
Forum Posts: 20

Lugubrious I am.
Atrocious I can be.
I can cut your ass up,
And bury you under that oak tree.

poet Anonymous

there it lay
in the depths of her,
nestled against a pulse
slowly sucking the joy
from her heart

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Sundays are like slow deep rivers
especially when it rains
sometimes worth staying under the covers
to reduce the pain

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

never known normal
or what that might be
people who try and explain it
are more screwed up than me

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I've made some run
trying hard to blend into the night
loving when they mumble
that boy just ain't right

poet Anonymous

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