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Challenge : what can you do with 20 words?

Thought Provoker
South Africa
Joined 18th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 8

Disappointment meets anger
Anger meets disappointment
Lies dishonesty trust
Trust dishonesty lies
Disappointment meets anger
Anger meets disappointment

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 124


What could I do with twenty words?
ten counted already,
blow up Commons? Also Lords?
Confirm when you feel steady.

poet Anonymous

Your smug face before me
suspended in free fall
final proof that you're flightless
still makes no sense at all

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I've tried sad
for some reason it wouldn't stick
perhaps it needed more tape
or the sticky part wasn't licked

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Turn that frown
upside down
at such times of duress
just be sure to wear panties
if wearing a dress

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Your strategy sounds
well founded
a knowing smile
from a fellow horse trader
knowing another
pearls for frowns

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 124

Sadness is relative to joy
like love is relative to hate,
all used to build,  also destroy,
no parliamentary debate.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I'm sorry we can't accept
your answer if it's not
in the form of a question
Alan, Rita, any response

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

It's more a matter of
brother - sister
cat - dog
no big secret
just small skeletons
In long forgotten closets

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